Police & Crime Plan

Consultation, reporting and review

I have consulted widely on the priorities set out within this Plan.

I will report progress against this Police and Crime Plan publicly to the Police and Crime Panel and I will issue an Annual Report to inform the public, partners and stakeholders what has been happening in the previous 12 months.


I wish to thank all those residents and stakeholders who met with me and my Deputy Commissioner or completed our consultation survey. These included:

  • The 2,593 residents who responded to the Police and Crime Plan survey
  • Surrey’s MPs
  • Elected representatives from Surrey’s County, Borough, District and Parish Councils
  • The Surrey Police and Crime Panel
  • The Chief Constable and his senior team
  • Surrey Police officers, staff and representatives from their unions
  • Schools, colleges and universities in Surrey
  • Children and young people – professionals and representatives
  • Mental Health support services
  • Victims Support Services
  • Prisons, Probation and other criminal justice partners
  • Road safety representatives
  • Rural crime representatives
  • Partners working to reduce youth violence
  • Community safety representatives
  • The Surrey Police Independent Advisory Group

Latest News

Commissioner says “We are listening”, as residents share views on anti-social behaviour

Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend standing outside office with Surrey Police Head of ASB and Partnerships Joanna Grimshaw

Residents revealed that littering, speeding and fly-tipping were among the biggest issues in a survey about anti-social behaviour.

“Don’t suffer in silence” – Commissioner’s plea to residents experiencing anti-social behaviour

Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend

Commissioner Lisa Townsend said it was important to recognise the impact that anti-social behaviour can have on victims in Surrey.

34 arrests as Commissioner joins officers on hotspot patrol to cut crime in Surrey

Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend on a hotspot patrol with Surrey Police officers in north Surrey

Funding from the Home Office has paid for an extra 900 patrols, resulting in 34 arrests in hotspot locations.