Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey Lisa Townsend has launched public surgeries for residents as part of her commitment to enhance the voice of local people in policing Surrey.
The monthly Surgery meetings will offer residents with questions or a concern about the performance or oversight of Surrey Police the ability to receive a response directly from the Commissioner, who will work with them to identify the best route for their enquiry, and discuss any actions that can be taken or supported by the her Office and the Force.
Residents are invited to book a 20-minute slot to discuss their feedback in the evening of the first Friday of every month, lasting one hour between 17:00-18:00. The next Surgeries will take place on 06 May and 03 June.
You can find out more or request a meeting with your Commissioner by visiting our Public Surgeries page. Surgery meetings are limited to six sessions each month and must be confirmed by the Commissioner’s PA team.
Representing the views of residents is a key responsibility of the Commissioner and an important part of monitoring Surrey Police’s performance and holding the Chief Constable to account.
The meetings follow the publication of the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan that reflects the priorities the public would like Surrey Police to focus on in the next three years.

The Plan includes strengthening relationships between Surrey residents and Surrey Police, including improving awareness of the role of the Commissioner in improving the service that individuals who report or are affected by a crime receive.
Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend said: “When I was elected as your Commissioner, I promised to keep the views of Surrey residents at the heart of my policing plans for the county.
“I’ve launched these meetings so I can be as accessible as possible. This is just part of the wider work that I’m undertaken with my Office to raise awareness and grow our engagement with residents and other stakeholders , that includes a return to live Performance and Accountability meetings based on the topics that you tell us are most relevant.”