Office of the Commissioner


This page contains details of opportunities to join our small but effective team in Surrey. We welcome diversity and are committed to the professional and personal development of staff.


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Latest News

“You are not alone”: Commissioner urges romance fraud victims to speak to police

More than 600 reports of romance fraud were received by police in Surrey and Sussex last year - with total losses reaching over £7million.

Commissioner says Surrey Police will be properly funded to fight crime after council tax rise goes ahead

Lisa Townsend, Surrey's Police and Crime Commissioner, stands in front of a large building with a Surrey County Council sign on it. She wears a tan coat with red sleeves. Her hands are clasped in front of her and she is looking straight ahead at the camera

Lisa Townsend said asking the Surrey public for more funding to support policing is not a decision she takes lightly.

“Fantastic” hub tackling domestic abuse in Surrey will remain open as new funding is secured

Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey secured £2million for Steps to Change, which opened last year.