Community Remedy

Community remedy refers to a list of options that police officers can use to deal more proportionately with low level crime such as some antisocial behaviour or minor criminal damage out of court.

Using a Community Resolution in place of a formal prosecution helps reduce pressure on the criminal justice system while actively engaging victims to have a say in the punishment that offenders receive.

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Surrey’s business community asked to have their say in retail crime survey

Surrey's Police and Crime Commissioner, Lisa Townsend, stands in a high street. Behind her are shops and people walking. She wears a blue coat with its collar upturned. Her blonde hair is loose and she is smiling.

Members of Surrey's business community are urged to have their say on the impact of retail crime in a new survey.

“It literally saved my life”: Meet the team using music and photography to prevent child exploitation

Three people stand in a studio. On the left, a man stands with his hands by his sides. Sitting to his left is a young person with his back to the camera. Next, and in the middle of the standing group, is Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend, who has her hand on the back of a chair. A woman stands with her hands clasped to Lisa's left hand side.

Catch22's Music To My Ears programme supports criminally exploited children through music, photography and film-making.

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Surrey's Police and Crime Commissioner, Lisa Townsend, at Guildford train station with the Street Angels

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