THERE is still time to have your say on whether you would be prepared to pay a little extra to support a renewed police focus on fighting crime where you live.
Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend is asking for your views on the amount of money that will be provided from your council tax to help fund Surrey Police in 2024/25.
Her annual survey closes on 30 January. Have your say using the buttons below:
The Commissioner said she is keen to support the new Chief Constable Tim De Meyer’s Plan for the Force that includes maintaining a visible presence in our communities, increasing the number of offenders put before the courts, cracking down on anti-social behaviour and targeting drug dealers and shop-lifting gangs.
However Surrey Police continues to face financial pressures including increased costs for pay, energy and fuel and more demand for policing services. The Commissioner says support for our policing teams is more important than ever and is asking residents to give her their views on the level of funding for the coming year.
All of the options in this year’s survey will require the Force to continue to make savings over the next four years.
You can learn more as we hold a new series of ‘Policing your Community’ events across Surrey this January, giving residents the chance to join us online and put their questions about policing to the Commissioner, Chief Constable and Borough Commander for their area.

Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend said: “Surrey residents have told me loud and clear what they want to see, and the Chief Constable’s Plan sets out a clear vision of how he wants the Force to provide the service they rightly expect.
“But in order for it to be a success, I need to support the Chief Constable by making sure I give him the right resources to realise his ambitions in what remains a difficult financial climate for policing.
“I must of course balance that with the burden on the Surrey public and I am under no illusions that the cost of living crisis is continuing to put a huge strain on household budgets.
“That is why I want to know what you think and whether you would be willing to pay a little extra to support our policing teams again this year. Please take a minute or two to share your views.”
Use the links below to read more information or request a copy of the survey in a different format:
- Read our Council tax survey FAQ
- Contact us