02/2024 – Annual Review of the Scheme of Governance (2024/25)

Author and Job Role: Kelvin Menon, Chief Finance Officer
Protective Marking:  OFFICIAL

The Scheme of Governance comprises a number of documents which, when taken together, give clarity to the way the Police & Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable discharge their responsibilities.  The Scheme sets out how both parties will govern, both jointly and separately, and aims to ensure the business of the PCC and of Surrey Police is conducted in the right way, for the right reasons and at the right time. 

The Scheme includes the following documents that are available on our Governance page:

  • Surrey Code of Corporate Governance: This sets out how the PCC will achieve the core principles of ‘good governance’. 

  • Surrey Decision Making and Accountability Framework: This explains how the PCC will make and publish decisions and arrangements for holding the Chief Constable to account in a fair, open and transparent way 

  • Surrey-Sussex Police and Crime Commissioners’ Scheme of Delegation 2024: This sets out the key roles of the PCC and those functions they delegate to others to carry out on their behalf, including their Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer and senior police staff within Surrey and Sussex Police.   

  • Surrey-Sussex Chief Constable Scheme of Delegation: This sets out the key roles of the Chief Constable and those functions they delegate to others in Surrey and Sussex Police.  It supplements the PCCs’ Scheme of Delegation. 

  • Surrey-Sussex Memorandum of Understanding and Schedule 2024: The MOU sets out how the PCC and Chief Constable will work together to make sure the PCC has sufficient support from Surrey Police in areas such as estates management, procurement, finance, HR, communications and corporate development.    

  • Surrey-Sussex Financial Regulations 2024: This sets out the framework and policies that allow the PCC and Chief Constable to manage their financial business effectively, efficiently and in compliance with all necessary requirements. 

  •  Surrey-Sussex Contract Standing Orders: These set out the rules and processes to be followed when procuring goods, works and services.  They are designed to make sure that Surrey Police and the Office of the PCC obtain value for money; operate in a fair, open and transparent way; and are compliant with all relevant procurement legislation. They have not been updated at this time pending the passing of the new procurement regulations by Government. 

  • Surrey and Sussex Finance Protocol for Collaborated Services: This sets out the detailed financial arrangements to be applied in respect of all joint services between Surrey and Sussex Police in line with Section 22A Agreement for Surrey and Sussex Collaboration. 

The Office of the Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and Surrey Police, together with the Sussex OPCC and Sussex Police, have recently undertaken the annual review of all Governance documentation to ensure that it is up to date and fit for purpose.  Proposed amendments were reported to both the Surrey and Sussex Joint Audit Committees who considered and commented on the adequacy of the Scheme before recommending its approval by the PCC.   

All of the documents within the Scheme of Governance have been updated in line with CIPFA guidelines and recommended good practice.  

The revised Scheme is published on the OPCC and Force websites and have also been disseminated throughout the organisation.

That the Police & Crime Commissioner approves the revised Scheme of Governance following the Annual Review for 2024/25. 

I approve the recommendation(s): 

Signature: PCC Lisa Townsend (wet signed copy held at PCC’s office) 

Date: 22 April 2024 

All decisions must be added to the decision register. 


Senior colleagues in Surrey Police, Sussex Police, Surrey and Sussex OPCCs and the Joint Audit Committee.  

Financial implications 

No implications. 




No risks arise from this review.  

Equality and diversity 

No implications.