Decision 06/2023 – Approval of Treasury Management and MRP Statement and the Capital Strategy for 2023/24

Author and Job Role:      Kelvin Menon

Protective Marking:         OFFICIAL

Executive Summary:

The PCC is asked to approve the Treasury Management and MRP Statement and the Capital Strategy agreed at the Joint Audit Committee meeting on the 25th April 2023.


The PCC has legal responsibility for all the Force/OPCC assets. This not only includes physical assets but also Treasury investment and borrowing. These two strategies set out how these areas will be managed in terms of Governance.


It is recommended that the PCC approves the Treasury and MRP Statement the Capital Strategy and that they be placed on the website.

Police and Crime Commissioner Approval

I approve the recommendation(s):

Signature: PCC Lisa Townsend (wet signed copy held in OPCC)

Date: 16 May 2023

All decisions must be added to the decision register.

Areas of consideration


The JAC has been consulted on these papers.

Financial implications

These are taken account of in the statements.


The papers complies with the Prudential code.


It is a requirement of the prudential code to approve a Treasury, MRP and Capital strategy.

Equality and diversity

No implications

Risks to human rights

No implications