Author and Job Role: Molly Slominski, Partnerships and Community Safety Officer
Protective Marking: Official
Executive Summary:
For 2024/25 the Police and Crime Commissioner has made available £383,000 for the Community Safety Fund to ensure continued support to local community, voluntary and faith organisations. The Police and Crime Commissioner also made available £275,000 for the Children and Young People Fund which is a dedicated resource to support activities and groups who work with children and young people across Surrey to stay safe.
Applications for the Community Safety Fund
Crimestoppers – Regional Manager
To award Crimestoppers £8,000 towards the core costs of the Regional Manager post. The Regional Manager role works with local partnerships to develop, detect, reduce, and prevent crime in Surrey as a vital link between the community and policing and supporting the Police and Crime Plan. This is a three-year grant which subject to approval will provide £8,000 for financial year 2025-2026 and £8,000 for financial year 2026-2027.
Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy – Street Angels
To award Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy £5,000 to contribute towards the ongoing costs of employing one part-time coordinator for the Guildford Street Angels. The Guildford Street Angels offer a calming presence late at night on weekends in Guildford Town Centre. The team of trained volunteers work alongside the Police and other agencies to provide practical support and a listening ear to anyone they encounter. This is a three-year grant which subject to approval will provide £5,000 for financial year 2025-2026 and £5,000 for financial year 2026-2027.
Surrey Gypsy Traveller Communities Forum – Romany Nights
To award the Surrey Gypsy Traveller Communities Forum £1,500 towards the costs of Romany Nights to be held on 15th June at Bourne Hall in Ewell. Romany Nights is the flagship event during Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month. It will be a celebration of GRT culture and heritage with community members attending and local partners such as the NHS, Surrey Police, Marty Frances Trust and End Stigma. The event provides engagement and relationship-building opportunities.
Applications for the Children and Young People Fund
Surrey Police – Positive Futures Woking
To award Surrey Police £6,000 to support the Positive Futures project in Woking. This project is crime prevention through collaborative problem-solving, aimed at building trust between police and young people. Twelve young people from diverse backgrounds aged 11-15 worked with Police Youth Engagement Officers and local partners supported by mentors to identify and solve local problems. The young people selected Alpha Road Playing Fields in Maybury, Woking as the target area. The funding will cover the costs of new signage, defensive planting, new bins and removal of unused equipment. These changes will make the playing fields more user friendly and safe.
The Commissioner supports the applications to the Community Safety Fund and the Children and Young People Fund and awards to the following;
- £8,000 to Crimestoppers for the Regional Manager;
- £5,000 to Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy for the Street Angels;
- £1,500 to the Surrey Gypsy Traveller Communities Forum for Romany Nights;
- £6,000 to Surrey Police for the Positive Futures Project in Woking.
Police and Crime Commissioner Approval
I approve the recommendation(s):
Signature: Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend (wet signed copy held at PCC Office)
Date: 04 June 2024
All decisions must be added to the decision register.
Areas of consideration
Consultation has taken place with appropriate lead officers depending on the application. All applications have been asked to supply evidence of any consultation and community engagement.
Financial implications
All applications have been asked to confirm the organisation hold accurate financial information. They are also asked to include the total costs of the project with breakdown where the money will be spent; any additional funding secured or applied for and plans for on-going funding. The Community Safety Fund Decision Panel/ Community Safety and Victims policy officers considers the financial risks and opportunities when looking at each application.
Legal advice is taken on an application by application basis.
The Community Safety Fund Decision Panel and policy officers considers any risks in the allocation of funding. It is also part of the process to consider when refusing an application the service delivery risks if appropriate.
Equality and diversity
Each application will be requested to supply appropriate equality and diversity information as part of the monitoring requirements. All applicants are expected to adhere to the Equality Act 2010
Risks to human rights
Each application will be requested to supply appropriate human rights information as part of the monitoring requirements. All applicants are expected to adhere to the Human Rights Act.