11/2024 – Victims’ Fund allocation 2024/25

Author and Job Role: Lucy Thomas, Commissioning & Policy Lead for Victim Services

Protective Marking:  OFFICIAL

Police and Crime Commissioners have the statutory responsibility to provide services to support victims to cope and recover. the Ministry of Justice allocate a Victims Fund to the Commissioner to support and deliver local victim services. The below outlines the allocation of this fund for 2024/5 in Surrey.

Surrey Police, Victim & Witness Care Unit

To award Surrey Police £479,037 for the delivery of the Victim and Witness Care Unit, which provides core victim services. 

RASASC (Rape and Sexual Assault Support Centre)

To award RASASC £157,912 for the provision of support services to victims of sexual assault and rape. 

Surrey County Council

To award Surrey County Council £382,000 for the provision of domestic abuse outreach services, contracted with Surrey Domestic Abuse Partnership.

The PCC supports the recommended allocation of the Victims’ Fund in Surrey and awards the following;

  • £479,037 to Surrey Police for delivery of Victim and Witness Care Unit
  • £157,912 to RASASC for core rape and sexual assault services
  • £382,000 to Surrey County Council for the provision of domestic abuse outreach services

I approve the recommendation(s):

Signature: Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey Lisa Townsend (wet signed copy held at Commissioners office)

Date: 01 July 2024

All decisions must be added to the decision register.



Financial implications

Funded using allocation from the Ministry of Justice Victims’ Fund




Risk to the services being able to sustain delivery beyond the funding agreement period.

Equality and diversity

No implications

Risks to human rights

No risks