22/2024-25 – Finance report and virements

Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey – Decision Making Record

Report Title:                              Month 3 2024/25 Financial Performance and Budget Virements

Decision number:                      22/202425

Author and Job Role:                Kelvin Menon – Treasurer

Protective Marking:                   OFFICIAL

Executive Summary:

The Financial Monitoring report for the first three months of the year to July 2023 shows that Surrey Police Group is predicted to be £1.7m over budget by the end of March 2025 based on performance so far. This is based on an approved budget of £310.3m for the year. Capital is predicted to be £1.5m underspent out o a budget of £39.6m but this will be allocated in the year. 

Financial Regulations state that all budget virements over £0.5m must be approved by the PCC. These are included within this decision notice.

Revenue Forecast

The total budget for Surrey is £288.5m for 2023/24, against this the forecast outturn position is £287.4m resulting in an estimated underspend of £1.1m.

 Total 2023/24 Budget £mTotal 2023/24 Outturn £mVariance £m
2023/24 Budget310.3312.11.8
Grand Total(0.0)1.71.7

Given it is early in the year this is only an indication of the financial outturn and depends on the assumptions made as to future financial performance. This will be updated as the year continues. Most of the current projected overspend is being driven by an increase in forensics costs and action is being taken to manage these and to bring the budget in to line.

Police Officers numbers were 1% below target but will be brought in to line as per the conditions with uplift. Police staff numbers were 10% under budget which is equal to the vacancy margin included within the budget.

Capital Forecast

The capital plan is forecast to underspend by £1.5m against an agreed budget of £39.6m. This is mainly due to £1.4m allocated for cost of change in the budget that has not been allocated to projects. This will happen shortly and so the predicted underspend will then disappear. That said based on previous years there is likely to be slippage in the year.

Revenue Virements Per financial regulations only virements over £500k need approval from the PCC. These are set out below for the period to July 2023.

Police and Crime Commissioner Approval

I note the financial performance as at the 30th June 2024 and approve the virements as set out above.

Signature: PCC Lisa Townsend

Date:  September 25 2024

All decisions must be added to the decision register.