49/2024-25 – Community Safety Fund and the Children & Young People’s Fund applications

Decision number: 49/2024-25 

Author and Job Role: Molly Slominski, Partnerships and Community Safety Officer  

Protective Marking:  Official  

 For 2024/25 the Police and Crime Commissioner has made available £383,000 for the Community Safety Fund to ensure continued support to local community, voluntary and faith organisations.

The Police and Crime Commissioner also made available £275,000 for the Children and Young People’s Fund which is a dedicated resource to support activities and groups who work with children and young people across Surrey to stay safe.

The following grants are to provide service delivery in 2025/26.  

Surrey County Council – Public Health Analyst 

To provide Surrey County Council £14,000 towards the funding of a Data Analyst. The key aspect of this role is to work within the Public Health and SODA team to produce, analyse and promote a range of statistical/information products and to present the results initially to the Serious Violence Partnership and the Combatting Drugs Partnership and from April to the new Community Safety and Prevention Board. 

Circles SE – Op Shield Intervention Programme  

To provide Circles SE £30,726 to delivery the interventions for individuals at risk of engaging in sexually harmful behaviour. There will be a focus on supporting the Op Shield deployments but the intervention will be available through a referral process as agreed by Surrey Police and Circles SE. 

Surrey County Council – Domestic Abuse Related Death Review Central Support 

To provide Surrey County Council £13,825 to support the Domestic Abuse Related Death Review (DARDR) Central Support function. This central support helps reduce the pressure on Surrey’s 11 District and Borough Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) to establish a DARDR, review the initial notification, commission and fund the Chair/report writer, and ensure that the recommendations are implemented effectively. 

Catalyst – Women’s Support Centre – Counselling Service  

To award Catalyst £50,000 towards funding for the Women’s Support Centre in delivering their counselling service which supports women throughout Surrey through a trauma-informed, gender-specific intervention. They build clients’ resilience, self-esteem and develop greater self-awareness and encourage looing from a different lens. This is the second year of a three-year grant of £50,000 per annum subject to approval.  

Crimestoppers – Regional Manager 

To award Crimestoppers £8,000 towards the core costs of the Regional Manager post. The Regional Manager role works with local partnerships to develop, detect, reduce, and prevent crime in Surrey as a vital link between the community and policing and supporting the Police and Crime Plan.  This is the second year of a three-year grant of £8,000 per annum subject to approval. 

Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy – Street Angels 

To award Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy £5,000 to contribute towards the ongoing costs of employing one part-time coordinator for the Guildford Street Angels. The team of trained volunteers work alongside the Police and other agencies to provide practical support and a listening ear to anyone they encounter. This is the second year of a three-year grant of £5,000 per annum subject to approval. 

Mediation Surrey CIO – Mediation Surrey  

To award Mediation Services £7,460 to run the core of their service supporting communities/neighbours and families by providing mediation and coaching to Surrey residents experiencing neighbour, intergenerational or general community disputes. The service provides a process for dealing with community harm and anti-social behaviour in a way that allows everyone to be heard and to reach resolution that is realistic and acceptable to all. The Support coaching service for victims of anti-social behaviour builds confidence, skills and strategies for victims to deal with the situations and fears they face. This is a contribution toward the third year of a three-year grant, a further grant will be made in April 2025. 

Club Dean – Old Dean Community Group CIO  

To award the Old Dean Community Group £31,270 towards Club Dean. Club Dean runs on a Tuesday evening in term-time at the Surrey Heath Young People and Family Centre and provides opportunities for local young people to participate in various activities, including arts, games and sport free of charge. The funding will support Club Dean’s Youth Worker. 

The Commissioner supports the applications to the Community Safety Fund and the Children and Young People’s Fund and awards to the following;  

  • £14,000 to Surrey County Council for the Data Analyst; 
  • £30,726 to Circles SE for the Op Shield Intervention Programme; 
  • £13,825 to Surrey County Council for DARDR Central Support; 
  • £50,000 to Catalyst for the Women’s Support Centre towards their counselling service; 
  • £8,000 to Crimestoppers towards the Regional Manager costs;  
  • £5,000 to Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy towards Street Angels; 
  • £7,460 to Mediation Surrey CIO to use towards their core costs in 2025/2026; and 
  • £31,270 to Old Dean Community Group CIO towards Club Dean. 

I approve the recommendation(s):  

Signature:   PCC Lisa Townsend (wet signed copy held in Office) 

Date: 4th February 2025 

All decisions must be added to the decision register.  


Consultation has taken place with appropriate lead officers depending on the application. All applications have been asked to supply evidence of any consultation and community engagement.  

Financial implications  

All applications have been asked to confirm the organisation hold accurate financial information. They are also asked to include the total costs of the project with breakdown where the money will be spent; any additional funding secured or applied for and plans for on-going funding. The Community Safety Fund Decision Panel/ Community Safety and Victims policy officers considers the financial risks and opportunities when looking at each application.  


Legal advice is taken on an application by application basis.  


The Community Safety Fund Decision Panel and policy officers considers any risks in the allocation of funding. It is also part of the process to consider when refusing an application the service delivery risks if appropriate.   

Equality and diversity  

Each application will be requested to supply appropriate equality and diversity information as part of the monitoring requirements. All applicants are expected to adhere to the Equality Act 2010   

Risks to human rights  

Each application will be requested to supply appropriate human rights information as part of the monitoring requirements. All applicants are expected to adhere to the Human Rights Act.