50/2023 – Approval of the Council Tax Precept, Revenue and Capital Budgets for 2024/25

Author and Job Role: Kelvin Menon, Treasurer 

Protective Marking: OFFICIAL 

On the 2nd February 2024 the Police and Crime Panel considered the recommendation from the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey to issue a Band D council tax precept for the Surrey area of £323.57. As the recommendation was not vetoed and the statutory requirements in respect of scrutiny from the panel have now been completed the Commissioner is able to: 

  • set the revenue budget for 2024/25. 
  • Set the capital budget for 2024/25 
  • Calculate the budget requirement for 2024/25 and 
  • Issue precept notices to billing authorities for 2024/25.


A report has been attached to this decision notice:

As set out on the attached report it is recommended that the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey approves:  

  • The proposed revenue and capital budgets for 2024/25. 
  • The calculations of council tax in 2024/25 in accordance with sections 43, 44 and 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,  
  • The 2024/25 council tax precept notices for £323.57 for a band D property be issued.  

I approve the recommendation(s): 

Signature: Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend (wet signed copy held at PCC office) 

Date:  09 February 2024 

All decisions must be added to the decision register.