Author and Job Role: Lauren Mcalister, Partnership and Community Safety Lead
Protective Marking: OFFICIAL
Executive Summary:
For 2023/24 the Police and Crime Commissioner has made available £383,000 for the Community Safety Fund to ensure continued support to local community, voluntary and faith organisations. The Police and Crime Commissioner also made available £275,000 for the Children and Young People’s Fund which is a dedicated resource to support activities and groups who work with children and young people across Surrey to stay safe.
Applications for the Community Safety Grant
Surrey Police – Clear Hold Build
Clear, Hold, Build is a police operational framework to address crime threats to a community. The framework was successfully piloted in areas in the North of England and all police forces are now being asked to test it. Surrey Police have identified Redhill as a suitable area both for its need and also the strength of its partnership. It has been agreed that Redhill will pilot implementing the approach and the learning will be passed on to other areas. There isn’t a fixed timeline, the work progresses in line with the needs of the local area. The phases often happen in parallel rather than the work being a linear progression between separate phases.
The elements of each phase are:
- Clear – Police Led Enforcement. Targeting key crime types prevalent in an area and any key individuals or groups.
- Hold – Interventions, counter-measures and contingency plans to stabilise clear phase.
- Build – Delivering community empowered interventions.
To successfully deliver the programme Surrey Police have requested funding to support the operational capability of the clear stage. This decision note recommends awarding £58,000 to the Clear, Hold, Build team to ensure maximum success. The funding is awarded with assurances the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner will have oversight at each stage of the project.
The PCC supports the recommended allocation of the Community Safety Fund and awards the following;
- £58,000 to Surrey Police to support the operational delivery of Clear, Hold Build with the Redhill partners.
Police and Crime Commissioner Approval
I approve the recommendation(s):
Signature: Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend (wet signed copy held at PCC office)
Date: 12 Febuary 2023
All decisions must be added to the decision register.
Areas of consideration
Consultation on the Clear Hold Build programme has been undertaken by the local team with partners and community leaders to ensure all aware and in agreement.
Financial implications
Funding awarded in line with Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey’s Community Safety Fund criteria and standing orders.
The Local Policing Body have followed the legal and financial requirements as set out in the Serious Violence Duty Grant from the Home Office.
The Clear Hold Build Team have assessed the risk and have a risk register which keeps track of the risks and challenges associated with delivering the duty and the projects connected to the funding.
Equality and diversity
The Clear Hold Build Team has considered the equality and diversity implications.
Risks to human rights
No risks