Decision 53/2022 – Community Safety Fund Applications: January 2023

Author and Job Role: Molly Slominski, Partnership and Community Safety Officer

Protective Marking:  OFFICIAL

Executive Summary:

For 2022/23 the Police and Crime Commissioner has made available £383,000 of funding to ensure continued support to local community, voluntary and faith organisations.

Applications for Small Grant Awards up to £5000 – Community Safety Fund

Telephone Counselling Service – Surrey Drug & Alcohol Care

To award Surrey Drug & Alcohol Care (SDAC) £5,000 for the Telephone Counselling Service (TCS) which offers a programme of free counselling sessions to those referred by: the SDAC helpline or website, GP, alcohol liaison nurses in hospitals, or other agencies. Sessions offered to clients may be weekly, or as often as twice a day if a client is in crisis. TCS also offer wellbeing-check calls at weekends and follow up calls for up to a year after therapy has finished.

Safer Communities Programme – Surrey County Council

To award Surrey County Council £2,517 for the design and layout of documents for the Safer Communities Programme which will provide consistent community safety messaging to all Year 6 students in Surrey.

Elmbridge CHARMM – Alpha Extreme Services Ltd.

To award Elmbridge Borough Council’s Community Harm and Risk Management Meeting (CHARMM) £2500 for Alpha Extreme Services to provide specialist provision for individuals on the CHARMM agenda who need intensive support.


The Commissioner supports the grant applications to the Community Safety Fund and awards to the following;

  • £5,000 to Surrey Drug & Alcohol Care for the Telephone Counselling Service
  • £2,517 to Surrey County Council for Safer Communities Programme
  • £2,500 to Elmbridge Borough Council’s Community Harm and Risk Management meeting for Alpha Extreme Ltd.

Police and Crime Commissioner Approval

I approve the recommendation(s):

Signature: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey (Wet signed copy held at PCC Office)

Date: 31 January 2023

All decisions must be added to the decision register.