55/2023 – Month 09 2023/24 financial performance and budget virements

Author and Job Role: Kelvin Menon – Treasurer 

Protective Marking: OFFICIAL

The Financial Monitoring report for the 9 months to December 2023 shows that Surrey Police Group is estimated to be £1.0m under budget by the end of financial year based on performance so far. This is using an approved budget of £292.8m, which includes additional grant for pay awarded during the year. Capital is predicted to be £4.4m underspent due to the timing of various projects.  

Financial Regulations state that all budget virements over £0.5m must be approved by the PCC. These are included within this decision notice.  

Revenue Forecast 

The total budget for Surrey is £288.5m for 2023/24, against this the forecast outturn position is £287.2m resulting in an estimated underspend of £1.0m.  

 Total 2023/24 Budget £m Total 2023/24 Outturn £m Variance £m 
2023/24 Budget 292.8 290.2 2.6 
Funding (292.8) (291.2) (1.6) 
Grand Total (0.0) (1.0) (1.0) 

Wages and overtime are over budget due to the 7% increase in Police pay and more covering of vacancies. However, this has been offset by overachievement fo savings and additional income, mainly Op safeguard. Rather than using reserves to fund transformation the in-year revenue budget was used instead which meant that reserves funding was not required resulting in an underspend against budget. There has also been additional funding for 10 additional uplift officers. Funding is under budget.  

At the 31st of December Police Officers number were above the Uplift target and so there was no clawback of uplift grant anticipated.  

Capital Forecast 

The capital plan is forecast to underspend by £4.4m against an agreed budget of £21m. In respect of the variance £1.9m is due to slippage in the housing strategy and £1m for transformation projects. A further £1m relates to other estates work being done in the following year and vehicle supplies.  

Revenue Virements 

Per financial regulations only virements over £500k need approval from the PCC. These are set out below for the period to December 2023:

Virements over £500m Month PCC for Surrey    £000 Funding    £000 Non-Delegated   £000 Commercial and Financial Services £000 DDAT    £000 
HO Pay award Grant Oct  (4,271)  4,271  
HO Pay Award Budget Oct   3.237 (3,237)  
DDaT Establishment – Supplies and Services Nov     (1,101) 
DDaT Establishment – Police Staff Nov     (1,101) 
OPCC Grant Income – Victim Services Nov (1,151)     
OPCC Grants for Victims commissioned services Nov (1,151)     

Capital Virements 

Per financial regulations only virements over £500k need approval from the PCC. There are none over this level in the Qtr to 31st December 2024  


I note the financial performance as of the 31st of December 2024 and approve the virements as set out above.

Signature:  Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend (wet signed copy held at PCC office)

Date: 19 February 2024

All decisions must be added to the decision register. 



Financial implications 

These are set out in the paper above.





Equality and diversity 


Risks to human rights 
