Author and Job Role: Lucy Thomas; Policy and Commissioning Lead for Victims’ Services
Protective Marking: OFFICIAL
Executive summary
The Police and Crime Commissioner to award RASASC £15,000 for group therapy and one-to-one counselling session to help survivors cope and recover.
The Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (RASASC) are experiencing long waiting lists for their counselling services. Additional funding will help reduce the wait time by being able to offer survivors of rape and sexual assault group therapy and one to one sessions.
- Award the Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC) £15,000 in 2022/23 to increase their therapy and counselling provision
Police and Crime Commissioner Approval
I approve the recommendation(s):
Signature: PCC Lisa Townsend (wet signed copy held in OPCC)
Date: 10 February 2023
All decisions must be added to the decision register.
Areas of consideration
Financial implications
No Implication
No legal Implications
No risks
Equality and diversity
No implications
Risks to human rights
No risks