Author and Job Role: Lauren McAlister Partnership and Community Safety Lead
Protective Marking: OFFICIAL
Executive Summary
For 2024/25 the Home Office has agreed to continue funding for Safer Streets 5 initiatives. They have made available three hundred and fifty two thousand, nine hundred and eighty six pounds to the Police and Crime Commissioner for the purposes of Safer Streets.
Safer Streets Funding is intended to focus on reducing and preventing neighbourhood crime, anti-social behaviour and violence against women and girls in public spaces and increase feelings of safety. Surrey submitted three successful projects to the fund and they are for Walton (project 98), Redhill (project 99) and Guildford (project 100). Safer Streets funding is awarded retrospectively, and all projects are expected to submit quarterly returns reviewed by the PCCs office before submitted to the Home Office. Details of returns are given in the grant agreement between the Home Office and Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Applications for Safer Streets funding:
Walton has been awarded one hundred and eighteen thousand pounds (£118,000.00) for the period 24-25.
Walton identified five interventions in their bid:
- Upgrade of CCTV in Walton on Thames including movable cameras, protection for the cameras and an increase in monitoring hours
- Improved security in Drewitts Road Car Park and Secured Parking Award Status.
- Outreach activities focused on prevention and impact to reduce ASB within the community, targeted around young people’s emotional health and wellbeing by a mixture of direct support, targeted educational and skills programmes as well as supporting parents/local community around awareness and skills/tools for creating change building community assets to strengthen community asset build and positive activities for young people.
- Situational target hardening measures across the St Johns estate – known for ASB/drug dealing alleygating
- Development of Community Asset as social value project with contractors. Defensible space project.
Redhill was awarded one hundred and sixteen thousand, nine hundred and eighty six thirteen pounds (£116,986.00) for the period 24-25.
Redhill identified six interventions in their bid:
- CCTV in the key pedestrianised areas of Redhill
- Outreach activities to young people with a focus on targeted educational products and programmes focusing on attitudinal/behavioural change
- Communication campaigns around how to address ASB
- Engagement with harder to reach community groups to particularly support identification of those who feel particularly vulnerable to ASB in the area and those who are at increased risk
- Project management
Guildford was awarded one hundred and eighteen thousand pounds(£118,000.00) for the period 24-25.
Guildford identified five interventions in their bid:
- Essential repairs and lighting survey
- 4 Street Marshalls are to be recruited to cover key areas on Saturdays and Sundays
- Youth engagement campaigns
- A communications strategy to address crime and ASB using social media and printed media
- Hire of multimedia stands within Guildford town centre.
The PCC supports the recommended allocation of funds from the Home Office Funding and awards the following;
- £118,000.00 to Elmbridge Borough Council
- £116,986.00 to Reigate and Banstead Borough Council
- £118,000.00 to Surrey Police
Police and Crime Commissioner Approval
I approve the recommendation(s):
Signature: Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend (wet signed copy held at PCC office)
Date: 15 April 2024
All decisions must be added to the decision register.
Areas of consideration
Consultation on the Safer Streets programme has been undertaken by the local team with partners and community leaders to ensure all aware and in agreement.
Financial implications
Funding awarded in line with Home Office policy.
The Local Policing Body have followed the legal and financial requirements as set out in the Safer Streets Grant from the Home Office.
The Safer Streets Project Teams have assessed the risk and have a risk register which keeps track of the risks and challenges associated with delivering the duty and the projects connected to the funding.
Equality and diversity
The Safer Streets Teams have considered the equality and diversity implications.
Risks to human rights
No risks