Decision 27/2022 – Ministry Of Justice Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) and Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) Services Uplift

Author and Job Role: Lucy Thomas, Commissioning & Policy Lead for Victim Services

Protective Marking: OFFICIAL

Executive Summary:

Police & Crime Commissioners have the statutory responsibility to provide services to support victims cope and recover. The Ministry of Justice made additional funds available to support victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence for 3 years.

Applications for the Grant

NHS England

To award NHS England £25,000 for talking therapy for victims of rape and sexual assault


To award RASASC £15,655 for a counselling co-ordinator post to improve the efficiency of the service by providing a triage service and managing the waiting list.

YMCA DownsLink Group

  • To award YMCA £23,839.92 for an early interventions’ worker to support children and young people, who will be identified by schools, youth clubs and statutory services as presenting as ‘at risk’ to CSE.
  • To award YMCA £15,311 for a WiSE support worker

East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services (ESDAS)

  • To award ESDAS £50,000 for a counselling and recovery service for children and adult survivors of domestic abuse to reduce the current waiting list.
  • To award ESDAS £37,225 for a young persons’ IDVA


To award Hourglass £16,300 to provide tailored support to older victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum (SMEF)

To award SMEF £46,175 to provide an outreach support service to black and minority ethnic women at risk of domestic abuse.

Surrey & Borders Partnership Trust

  • To award Surrey & Borders Partnership Trust £91,373.18 for an extension to their therapeutic interventions for victims of sexual violence.
  • To award Surrey & Boarder Partnership Trust £66,138 for an additional STARS CISVA. STARS is a sexual trauma service which specialises in supporting and providing therapeutic interventions to children and young people who have suffered sexual trauma in Surrey. Currently the service supports children and young people up to age 18 years, this would be to extend the current age range for young people up to age 25 years who live in Surrey

Your Sanctuary

  • To award Your Sanctuary £11,000 to extend their specialist domestic abuse helpline
  • To award Your Sanctuary £7,500 to support children in refuge services

Innovating Minds CIC

To award Innovating Minds CIC £20,000 to train the workforce within educational and/or community settings (i.e., pastoral staff, early help workers, victim support), to deliver the trauma-informed support to children that have been impacted by domestic abuse.

Citizens Advice Waverley

To award Citizens Advice Waverley £32,690 for a disabled survivors’ IDVA

Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse (AAFDA)

To award Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse £12,600 for a specialist and expert one to one advocacy and peer support to individuals bereaved by suicide or unexplained death following domestic abuse in Surrey.


The PCC supports the MOJ DA SV & IDVA/ISVA service bids and awards the following;

  • £25,000 to NHS England for Talking Therapies
  • £15,655 to RASASC for a counselling co-ordinator
  • £23,839.92 to YMCA DownsLink Group for an early intervention’s worker
  • £15,311 to YMCA DownsLink Group for a WiSE CISVA
  • £50,000 to ESDAS for adult and children’s counselling service
  • £37,225 to ESDAS for a young persons’ IDVA
  • £16,300 to Hourglass for a tailored support service for older victims of domestic abuse
  • £46,175 to SMEF to provide a support service to black and minority ethnic women at risk of domestic abuse
  • £91,373 to Surrey & Borders Partnership Trust to extend their therapeutic interventions
  • £66,138 to Surrey & Borders Partnership Trust for a STARS CISVA
  • £11,000 to Your Sanctuary to extend their helpline
  • £7,500 to Your Sanctuary to support children in refuge services
  • £20,000 to Innovating Minds CIC to deliver training on trauma informed support
  • £32,690 to Citizen Advice Waverley for a disabled survivors’ IDVA
  • £12,600 to AAFDA for advocacy and peer support

Police and Crime Commissioner Approval

I approve the recommendation(s):

Signed: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey (Wet signed copy available at the PCC’s Office)

Date: 25 August 2022

All decisions must be added to the decision register.