Author and Job Role: Lucy Thomas, Commissioning & Policy Lead for Victim Services
Protective Marking: OFFICIAL
Executive Summary
The grant is for the delivery of two services; a Compulsive and Obsession Behaviour Intervention (COBI) programme and an intensive domestic abuse One-To-One programme:
- The COBI programme is an outcome focussed programme for stalking behaviour.
- The Intensive DA One-To-One perpetrator interventions for individuals identified through a range of new pathways, will focus on achieving positive behavioural change.
Surrey has a robust multi-agency system for tackling and reducing the risk posed by domestic abuse perpetrators, with partners collectively making use of a range of interventions, tools and powers.
However, there is a recognised gap in relation to universal pre-conviction perpetrator interventions focussed on early intervention and behaviour change. This is a gap recognised by all local commissioners and reflected in the jointly agreed Surrey Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Strategy 2021-2023.
Funding of £502,600.82 is provided to Interventions Alliance in 2022/23 for the two aforementioned services (£240,848.70 for the COBI programme and £261,752.12 for the intensive one-to-one interventions).
Police and Crime Commissioner’s approval:
I approve the recommendation(s):
Signature: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey (wet signed copy held by Commissioner’s Office)
Date: 08 November 2022
All decisions must be added to the decision register.
Areas for consideration:
Financial implications
There are no financial implications
There are no legal implications
No risks
Equality and diversity
No implications to equality and diversity
Risks to human rights
No risks to human rights