Community Safety Fund Applications – January 2021
Decision number: 001/2021
Author and Job Role: Sarah Haywood, Commissioning and Policy Lead for Community Safety
Protective Marking: Official
Executive Summary:
For 2020/21 the Police and Crime Commissioner has made available £533,333.50 of funding to ensure continued support to local community, voluntary and faith organisations.
Applications for Core Service Awards over £5000
Surrey Police – E-Cin training
To award Surrey Police £6,600 to develop and introduce a series of bite-size learning modules to support the face to face training. These modules will cover the basic use of ECINS, including creating cases and profiles. Each module will be certificated to record competence in the use of the system and act as an entry point in the use of the system. After successful completion users will be supported by the ECINS Team directly.
Applications for Small Grant Awards up to £5000 – Community Safety Fund
Surrey Police – Problem Solving for Burglaries in Ashford, Spelthorne
To award Surrey Police £1188.24 to support the purchase preventative communications to aid in the reduction of burglaries in the Ashford area of Spelthorne.
Surrey Police – Problem Solving for Burglaries in Chertsey
To award Surrey Police £2954.56 to support the purchase of preventative measures to reduce the numbers of burglary in the Chertsey. The funding will be spent on Selecta DNA and marking equipment.
Walton Cricket Club – Security Improvements
To award Walton Cricket Club £5,000 to support the installation of additional security measures to reduce the levels of anti-social behaviour in the area. The funding will contribute towards the purchase and installing of collapsible galvanised steel grilles.
Runnymede Neighbourhood Watch – Equipment and Communications
To award Surrey Police £800.00 to support the watch in Runnymede and contribute towards the purchase of equipment (such as signs) and communication.
The Commissioner supports the core service applications and small grants applications to the Community Safety Fund and awards to the following;
- £6,600 to Surrey Police for the E-Cin Training Project
- £1,188.24 to Surrey Police for the burglary prevention work in Ash
- £2, 954.56 to Surrey Police for the burglary prevention work in Chertsey
- £5,000 to Walton Cricket Club towards the purchase and installation of security features.
- £800.00 to Runnymede Neighbourhood Watch for equipment and communication.
Police and Crime Commissioner Approval
I approve the recommendation(s):
Signature: David Munro (wet signature available on hard copy)
Date: 18th January 2021
All decisions must be added to the decision register.