Decision number: 020/2022
Author and Job Role: Kelvin Menon – Chief Financial Officer OPCC
Protective Marking: OFFICIAL
Executive Summary:
Financial Regulations require the Executive Director of Financial and Commercial Services prepare an outturn report and recommend for approval by the PCC the use/or transfer of surplus/deficit on revenue budgets in line with the reserves policy. The PCC is also asked to approve the carry forward of slippage within the 2022/23 Capital plan and any Capital Financing.
Revenue Outturn for the year
- A total revenue budget of £262m was approved by the predecessor of the current PCC in February 2021
- Government Grants increased by £5.4m to £118m as a result of additional funding for new officers and a recognition of rising costs. The remaining £144m, reflecting an increase in the Precept, was provided from local residents through the Collection fund
- During the year a number of budget virements were approved between budgets were approved in line with Financial Regulations but these did not change the overall budget set.
- The unaudited revenue outturn for the year 2021/22 for the Group was as follows
To the 31st March 2021 | ||||
Actual | Budget | Variance | ||
£m | £m | £m | % | |
Police Force | 257.4 | 258.9 | (1.5) | 0.58 |
Office of the PCC | 2.6 | 2.8 | (0.2) | 0.07 |
Total Police Fund | 260.0 | 261.7 | (1.7) | 0.65% |
- For the Force savings have arisen in areas such as Police and staff payroll (due to phasing of recruitment, difficulty in filling staff vacancies and variances in pay rates), premises, training and transport. The Force has also benefitted from income for officers sent to major events during the year such as G7 and COP26.
- The larges element of the OPCC underspend relates to commissioned services budgeted to be paid for by the OPCC but in fact, as a result of a successful grant application, were funded by Government. The OPCC has been particular successful in attracting over £1.3m in additional funding during the year for use on service supporting victims and crime prevention. There were also underspends in external advice and Governance.
- The Group savings target for the year of £6.4m was also achieved and is reflected in the outturn.
Transfer to Reserves
- As a result of the overall budget being underspend and other adjustments the PCC is asked to approve the following transfers to reserves:
- £1.035m to General Reserve to bring it to the recommended level of 3% of NRE to cover risks around the delivery of savings in future years;
- £0.513m to the Cost of Change reserves to fund future improvements to services;
- £0.234m to the PCC Operational Reserve to reflect underspend for the year for the OPCC.
- £0.348m to Covid reserve reflecting grant received at the year end to allow for future Covid costs;
- £0.504m from the Ill Health reserve to reflect claims made in the year;
- £0.338 net to the Insurance reserve to reflect changes in the actuarial assessment of the level required in this reserve.
- This will result in the unaudited reserves and provisions being as follows as at the 31st March 2022:
Balance at 31 March 2021
£000 |
Transfers In
£000 |
Transfers Out
£000 |
Balance at 31 March 2022
£000 |
General Reserves | ||||
General Fund | 7,257 | 1,035 | 0 | 8,292 |
Chief Constables Reserve | 1,071 | 0 | 0 | 1,071 |
Earmarked Funds | ||||
OPCC Operational Reserve | 1,150 | 234 | -150 | 1,234 |
PCC Estates Strategy Reserve | 3,200 | 0 | 0 | 3,200 |
Cost of Change Reserve | 2,651 | 513 | 0 | 3,164 |
Ill Health and Injury Reserve | 1,060 | 0 | -504 | 556 |
Covid 19 reserve | 1,751 | 348 | 0 | 2,099 |
Insurance Reserve | 1,624 | 989 | -651 | 1,962 |
TOTAL RESERVES | 19,764 | 3,119 | 1,305 | 21,578 |
- With these changes total General Reserves will only equate to 3.34% of the Net Revenue Budget for 2022/23
2021/22 Capital Outturn
- The Capital Budget was approved in February 2021 to which was added slippage from 2020/21 and a number of new programs giving a total budget of £18.2m
- The table below shows the outturn and variances by area. Most of the variances relate to ICT, which can typically span several years, and estates which was paused for the HQ review.
- The PCC is asked to approved a total carry forward of £10.755m to the Capital Plan which when added to the original budget of £7.354m and the Change program funded rom reserves of £1.540m gives a total Capital Budget for 2022/23 of £19.650m
It is Recommended that the Police and Crime Commissioner:
- Approves the following transfers to and from reserves as follows:
- £1.035m to General Reserve;
- £0.234m to the OPCC Operational reserve;
- £0.513m to the Cost of Change Reserve;
- £0.348m to the Covid 19 reserve;
- £0.504m from the Ill Health reserve and;
- £0.338m to the Insurance reserve.
- Approves a carry forward of transfer of £10.755m from the 2021/22 Capital Budget to the 2022/23 Capital Budget
Police and Crime Commissioner Approval
I approve the recommendation(s):
Signature: PCC Lisa Townsend (wet signature copy held in OPCC)
Date: 14/06/2022
All decisions must be added to the decision register.
Areas of consideration
There is no requirement for Consultation on this matter
Financial implications
These are as set out in the report
The PCC must approve all transfer to reserves
As a result of the External Audit the figures may change. If this is the case then the decision may have to be amended to take account of any change.
Equality and diversity
No implications from this decision
Risks to human rights
No implications from this decision