Decision Log 024/2021 – Adoption of updated Scheme of Governance

Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey – Decision Making Record

Report Title: Adoption of updated Scheme of Governance

Decision number: 024/2021

Author and Job Role: Alison Bolton, Chief Executive

Protective Marking: OFFICIAL

Executive Summary:

Each year the documents comprising the Scheme of Governance are updated and reviewed to ensure that they are fit for purpose. These have been reviewed by the Surrey Joint Audit Committee at its meeting on 28th April 2021, following consideration by the Sussex Joint Audit Committee in March 2021. The Scheme is now ready for adoption and publication by the PCC.


The Scheme of Governance comprises of a set of documents that collectively, set out the framework for the Chief Constable and PCC to operate and conduct business in a fair, open and robust way and to ensure they are discharging their statutory responsibilities. The Scheme comprises:

  • Code of Corporate Governance

This sets out how the PCC/CC will achieve the core principles of ‘good governance’.

  • Decision Making and Accountability Framework

This explains how the PCC will make decisions and hold the Chief Constable to account in a fair, open and transparent way

  • PCC Scheme of Delegation*

This sets out the key roles of the PCC and those functions they delegate to others.

  • Chief Constable Scheme of Delegation*

This sets out the key roles of the CC and those functions they delegate to others.

  • Memorandum of Understanding and Schedules*

The MOU attempts to describe how, in an arrangement where the CC employs the majority of the staff and the PCC owns all assets, the two parties will work together and ensure sufficient support in areas such as estates management, procurement, finance, HR, communications and corporate development.

  • Financial Regulations*

These set out the framework for managing the PCC’s financial affairs.

  • Contract Standing Orders*

These describe the rules for the procurement of goods, works and services. Contracts are issued in the name of the PCC and the CC operates within the parameters of Contract Standing Orders.

The documents marked * above are shared with Sussex.

NB – Contract Standing Orders have not been reviewed at present due to changes expected later in the year as a result of Brexit.


Police and Crime Commissioner Approval

I approve the adoption and publication of the documents comprising the PCC Scheme of Governance.

Signature: David Munro (wet signature copy held in OPCC)

Date: 30th April 2021

All decisions must be added to the decision register.

Areas of consideration:


The Documents have been reviewed by both Sussex and Surrey JAC for comments and amendment

Financial implications



All documents have been approved by JAC and reviewed by Senior staff at both the PCC and the force



Equality and diversity


Risks to human rights
