Decision Log 051/2021 – Community Safety Fund applications December 2021 (3)

Decision number: 51/2021

Author and Job Role: Sarah Haywood, Commissioning and Policy Lead for Community Safety

Protective Marking: Official

Executive Summary:

For 2020/21 the Police and Crime Commissioner has made available £538,000 of funding to ensure continued support to local community, voluntary and faith organisations.

Applications for Standard Grant Awards of over £5,000 – Community Safety Fund

Surrey County Council – Domestic Homicide Reviews (central provision)

To provide £10,100 to Surrey County Council to support the establishment of the domestic Homicide Review Central Support function. With reduced resources and increased complexity of DHRs there is an emerging need to provide centralised, Surrey-wide support for Community Safety Partnerships to assist them to fulfil their statutory duty to undertake DHRs and meet these pressures. It should be made clear that centralisation does not mean taking overall responsibility for DHRs away from individual CSPs, but should instead make the process clear, consistent, fair, and funded. This central support will help reduce the pressure on Surrey’s 11 District and Borough Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) to establish a DHR, reviewing the initial notification, commissioning and funding of the right Chair/report writer, and ensuring that the recommendations are implemented effectively. The aims of the project is to –

  • To embed a victim centred process where input from family and friends provides an authentic history that all professionals can learn from, leading to better outcomes for victims’ families
  • To provide strategic leadership and coordination of all work relating to Domestic Homicide Reviews and professional support to Surrey’s Community Safety Partnerships
  • To ensure lessons learned are shared, understood and lead to tangible improvements in agency responses to domestic abuse


Funding for the project is met by all statutory partners in Surrey.


The Commissioner supports the core service applications and small grants applications to the Community Safety Fund and awards to the following;

  • £10,100 to Surrey County Council for the DHR Central Project


Police and Crime Commissioner Approval

I approve the recommendation(s):

Signature: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey

Date: 20 December 2021

All decisions must be added to the decision register.

Areas of consideration


Consultation has taken place with appropriate lead officers depending on the application. All applications have been asked to supply evidence of any consultation and community engagement.

Financial implications

All applications have been asked to confirm the organisation hold accurate financial information. They are also asked to include the total costs of the project with breakdown where the money will be spent; any additional funding secured or applied for and plans for on-going funding. The Community Safety Fund Decision Panel/ Community Safety and Victims policy officers considers the financial risks and opportunities when looking at each application.


Legal advice is taken on an application by application basis.


The Community Safety Fund Decision Panel and policy officers considers any risks in the allocation of funding. It is also part of the process to consider when refusing an application the service delivery risks if appropriate.

Equality and diversity

Each application will be requested to supply appropriate equality and diversity information as part of the monitoring requirements. All applicants are expected to adhere to the Equality Act 2010

Risks to human rights

Each application will be requested to supply appropriate human rights information as part of the monitoring requirements. All applicants are expected to adhere to the Human Rights Act.