Community Safety Fund Applications – December 2020
Decision number: 55/2020
Author and Job Role: Sarah Haywood, Commissioning and Policy Lead for Community Safety
Protective Marking: Official
Executive Summary:
For 2020/21 the Police and Crime Commissioner has made available £533,333.50 of funding to ensure continued support to local community, voluntary and faith organisations.
Applications for Core Service Awards over £5000
The Breck Foundation – Breck Ambassadors
To award The Breck Foundation £10, 00 towards the Breck Ambassadors. The project is aim to work with Surrey Police’s Cadet Scheme and train them in being able to speak in schools to their peers about staying safe online and the key signs of grooming. The peer to peer engagement would allow messages on online safety to reach young people who often do not want to engage with adults. The project is in partnership with the National Police Volunteers Council. Fund has been agreed over two years.
Applications for Small Grant Awards up to £5000 – Community Safety Fund
Surrey Police – Problem Solving for Burglaries in Send, Guildford
To award Surrey Police £3,040 towards the prevention of burglaries in the Send area of Guildford Borough. The funding will be used to support a problem solving approach which seeks to reduce the number of burglaries by providing bike marking kits and other preventative kit to target harden the area.
Surrey Police – Problem Solving for Burglaries in Wormley, Waverley
To award Surrey Police £2,340.70 to support the purchase of preventative measures such as Selecta DNA kits to reduce the numbers of burglary in the Wormley area of Waverley
Surrey Police – Surrey Volunteer Police Cadet (VPC)
To award Surrey Police £6,000 to the Surrey Volunteer Police Cadet scheme which will allow the Police Cadet Leadership Teams to be formally recognised through an award of nationally acknowledged qualifications for their achievements thus far. This will act as an incentive to encourage more volunteers to come forward. The grant is a three year grant of £6.000 per annum.
The Commissioner supports the core service applications and small grants applications to the Community Safety Fund and awards to the following;
- £10,000 to the Breck Foundation for the Breck Ambassadors Project
- £3,040 to Surrey Police for the burglary prevention work in Send
- £2,340 to Surrey Police for the burgarly prevention work in Wormley
- £6,000 to Surrey Police to support the Cadet Leadership in gaining acknowledge qualifications
Police and Crime Commissioner Approval
I approve the recommendation(s):
Signature: David Munro (wet signature available on hard copy)
Date: 21/12/2020