Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey – Decision Making Record
Report Title: Family Safeguarding Model – Partnership Agreement
Decision number: 14/2021
Author and Job Role: Lisa Herrington, Head of Policy & Commissioning
Protective Marking: OFFICIAL
Executive Summary:
The following organisations (known together as the “Parties”) are working in partnership to establish a multidisciplinary Family Safeguarding Model in Surrey:
Surrey County Council, Surrey Heartlands; North East Hampshire and Farnham Clinical Commissioning Group; Surrey Heath Clinical Commissioning Group; National Probation Service; Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust; Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey and; Surrey Police.
The aim is to continue to improve the protection and life chances of the highest risk children and families, as well as produce greater efficiency of the public purse and funding.
The model is currently funded by the Department for Education (DfE) and Surrey County Council. Funding from across the partnership, involving the parties, will be required to sustain the model beyond March 2023.
A partnership agreement sets out the working arrangements and commitment between parties to deliver the Family Safeguarding Model.
The DfE has agreed to fund the Family Safeguarding Model up to £4.2 million over three years, with the three year grant agreement coming to an end in March 2023. Funding for the second and third year will be subject to Surrey demonstrating financial sustainability beyond 2023 and will be subject to the outcome of the Spending Review/s. Additional spend on the model is being contributed by Surrey County Council.
No financial contribution to the Family Safeguarding Model is being requested of the PCC at this stage. A number of contractual and financial requirements will need to be in place to ensure a smooth transition from DfE grant funding to business as usual. However, the breakdown of funding required from parties is yet to be determined and a sustainability plan has been presented. This has set timescales requiring the parties to finalise future financial arrangements between April – May 2022.
As part of the multi-disciplinary model, staff from the National Probation Service are delivering services related to domestic abuse. Beyond March 2023, a number of funding streams will be required to fund up to 11 probation posts. Possible funders include OPCC; National Probation Service; Police and Surrey County Council who will work to identify permanent long term funding for posts. The forecasted cost of the 11 posts from April 2023 onwards is £486,970 per annum. Options for the sustainability of the model beyond 2023 will be subject to negotiation between parties, informed by a thorough evaluation.
It is recommended the PCC signs the Family Safeguarding Model Partnership Agreement to signify his commitment in principle to its delivery up to and beyond March 2023, subject to further scoping of the options presented within the sustainability plan and evaluation of the model.
Police and Crime Commissioner Approval
I approve the recommendation(s):
Signature: Wet signature added to hard copy kept in OPCC.
Date: 19/02/2021
All decisions must be added to the decision register.