27/2023 – Victims Fund: H.O.P.E Leadership Training

Author and Job Role: Lucy Thomas, Commissioning & Policy Lead for Victim Services

Protective Marking:  OFFICIAL

Executive Summary:

H.O.P.E. Training and Consultancy provide high quality training in domestic abuse, sexual abuse and safeguarding. H.O.P.E Training and Consultancy is working to address systemic barriers to colleagues from racialised communities entering the sector, remaining as part of the workforce and progressing to leadership opportunities.

Applications for the Grant  

This funding will be spent on providing East Surrey Domestic Abuse Service’s (ESDAS) Hospital Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (HIDVA), with an opportunity to attend a bespoke and expertly developed leadership training programme designed specifically for Black and Racialised Communities working within the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) sector. This will support the HIDVA, the wider ESDAS service and the county in terms of recognising and responding to the strengths, needs and barriers experienced by staff from racialised communities when supporting survivors and other professionals in tackling VAWG.


The PCC supports funding and awards £1,800 in 2023/24 to ESDAS for H.O.P.E leadership training for their HIDVA.

Police and Crime Commissioner Approval

I approve the recommendation(s):

Signature: Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend (wet signed copy held at PCC office)

Date: 13th October 2023

All decisions must be added to the decision register.

Areas of consideration


None to note.

Financial implications

None – this is a one off funding agreement.


No Legal implications.


No risks.

Equality and diversity

No implications – the training will help the service recognise the challenges and barrier faced by staff working in the VAWG sector from black and racialised communities.

Risks to human rights

No risks.