
Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice

Restorative justice is about giving those affected by a crime, such as victims, offenders and the wider community, an opportunity to communicate about the harm that has been done and consider how it can be repaired.

Restorative justice could include a facilitated meeting between the victim and offender or a letter of apology from an offender. It can transform the way in which the needs of the victim are met and can also enable offenders to face the consequences of their actions.

There is some excellent work underway in Surrey which includes a ‘restorative’ element. The Commissioner actively supports restorative justice in Surrey through her Victims’ Fund and Reducing Reoffending Fund.

What is Surrey’s Restorative Justice Hub?

At the heart of restorative justice is acknowledging the importance of assisting victims (and others) to try and move forward in the aftermath of a crime. However, it can sometimes be difficult to know where to start. For this reason, Surrey’s Police and Crime Commissioner has set up a Restorative Justice Hub.

In suitable cases, and where people want to proceed with a restorative process, the hub can make sure that cases are allocated to professionally trained Restorative Justice Facilitators.

The Hub supports anyone affected by crime, and all the key criminal justice agencies including Surrey Police, victim support services, the National Probation Service and prisons.

Making a referral

If you would like to refer someone, or make a self-referral, please complete the relevant online form below:

If you are referring yourself, you may not have the information for some parts of the form. Please complete the sections that are relevant to you as best as you can.

Our reducing reoffending commissioning and policy team will then contact you to discuss the process further.

More information

For more information on restorative justice, visit the Restorative Justice Council website here.

If you are interested in learning more about the Surrey Restorative Justice hub and how we may be able to work with you, please contact us.

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