Surrey Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey are once more teaming up to invite residents to have their say in a new series of public engagement events across Surrey.
The events in January and February will be held online, but will still provide an opportunity to ask the PCC, Chief Constable an Borough Commander responsible for policing in your community, about the issues that matter most to you.
There will also be a chance to talk to Police and Crime Commissioner David Munro about proposals for the 2021-22 Council Tax Precept and to take part in his public consultation launched in January.
PCC David Munro said: “After an extremely difficult year for so many in our communities, this year’s events offer an even more valuable opportunity to be involved and have your say in policing where you live.

“Setting the policing element of the council tax is one of the most vital tasks a PCC has to make.Engaging directly with our communities over the next few weeks will also maximise the opportunities for the Surrey public to have their say in that decision.”
Residents are urged see more details on the event for their area on our Engagement Events page.