Joint Audit Committee – 17 October 2022

The meeting of the Joint Audit Committee of Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey and Surrey Police will take place at 10:00 on MS Teams.

The Chair of the Committee is Patrick Molineux.


Reports from the Joint Audit Committee have been provided as word .odt files for accessibility and will download directly to your device when clicked.

Please contact us if you would like to receive any of the below files in a different format.

Agenda – Part One (Public)

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Welcome and urgent matters
  3. Declaration of interests
  4. a.) Minutes from the meeting held on 27 July 2022
    • Action Update – Force Net Zero/Sustainability Plan
  5. Internal Audit Update Cover Sheet and Report 2022-23
  6. External Audit Plan 2021/22
  7. Review of governance and assurance arrangements for significant partnerships, collaboration and sponsorship arrangements
  8. Out-turn Treasury Management Report 2021/21
  9. a.) PCC Expenses

Part Two – In private

This session includes an update on key issues and risks since last meeting from the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable, internal risk assessments and reports that are not suitable for publication.