Office of the Commissioner

Equality Impact Assessments

Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) help us identify the possible effects that a proposed policy, action or decision might have on people, due to factors such as their ethnicity, disability and sex.

By completing an EIA for new actions, decisions or policies, we aim to reduce discrimination that may occur as a result of decisions made by the Commissioner, by our team or in how we operate.

They are also used by our office to understand any equality implications of our existing functions or policies on people from different backgrounds.

Use the filters below to view and search EIAs that we have completed for activities including providing funding to local services in Surrey:

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Surrey Women’s Support Centre – Women’s Checkpoint Navigator

High Impact Complex Drinker’s Service

Changing Futures – Bridge the Gap Specialist Outreach Service

YMCA Downslink Group – What is Sexual Exploitation?

Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC)

Surrey Domestic Abuse Partnership

Independent Custody Visiting Scheme

Domestic abuse and stalking perpetrator interventions