Measuring performance

Statutory responses

This page includes responses that the Commissioner is required to make in relation to the performance of Surrey Police, and on topics on national policing.

HMICFRS reports

His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) publishes regular inspection reports and other data about police forces in England and Wales. They include Police Efficiency, Effectiveness and Legitimacy (PEEL) Inspections that rate Forces across different areas including preventing crime, responding to the public and use of resources.

Complaints data and super-complaints

This page also contains responses to complaints data published quarterly by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), and the response to Police Super Complaints that are handled by HMICFRS and/or the IOPC and College of Policing.

Latest responses

Use this page to search and view all responses made by your Commissioner or read the PEEL inspection report (2021) for the latest overall update on Surrey Police performance.

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Narrative – IOPC Complaints Information Bulletin Q4 2023/2024

Narrative – IOPC Complaints Information Bulletin Q3 2023/2024

Commissioner’s response to HMICFRS Report: PEEL 2023–2025: An inspection of Surrey Police

Narrative – IOPC Complaints Information Bulletin Q2 2023/24

Response to IOPC Police Complaints Statistics for England and Wales 2022/23

Narrative – IOPC Complaints Information Bulletin Q1 2023/24

Narrative – IOPC Complaints Information Bulletin Q4 2022/23

Commissioner’s response to HMICFRS report: An inspection of how well the police and National Crime Agency tackle the online sexual abuse and exploitation of children