Police Appeals Tribunals (PATs) hear appeals against the findings of gross (serious) misconduct brought by police officers or special constables. PATs are currently governed by Police Appeals Tribunal Rules 2020.
These rules make provision for appeals in relation to disciplinary matters to be held in public subject to the discretion of the chair to exclude persons from all or part of the heating.
The 2020 Rules provide for appeals to a Police Appeals Tribunal against the findings and specific outcomes from the following regulations:
- The Police (Conduct) Regulations 2020
- The Police (Performance) Regulations 2020
Any member of the public or press wishing to attend the PAT may do so, however, due to limitations on space and capacity, attendance at the hearing will be administered and booked by application through the Office of the Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner. Details to do this can be found on our Police Appeals Tribunals page.
The PAT may be held virtually via MS Teams; however the same booking application process applies. Information about this will be provided on the PAT public notice.
Procedures of a Public Hearing
Notice of a public hearing will be made not less than 5 working days prior to the hearing. Should the hearing, or part of the hearing be in private, reasons will be given and published. Upon the conclusion of the hearing, the Chair will decide whether to public a notice which may contain:
- 1. Name of the officer concerned
- 2. Alleged conduct of the officer
- 3. Finding of the misconduct panel
- 4. Outcome of the misconduct panel
- 5. Decision of the Police Appeals Tribunal
Please note:
- If you are a witness to a hearing, you will not be eligible for a public seat
- There may be occasions when a hearing is cancelled at short notice
- There may be occasions when a hearing is cancelled at short notice
If the Chair decides that the evidence to be given by a witness or any other person should not be disclosed in public, an explanation will be given and the public will be excused whilst they give the evidence.
Start Times
You are advised to check the OPCC website the evening before to confirm the start time for the PAT. We request that members of the public should arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the commencement of proceedings to allow time to be signed in. Entry will not be permitted once the hearing is in session.
During the course of the hearing, it may be necessary for the hearing to be adjourned. The Chair will announce the reason for this and the time at which the hearing will re-commence. During adjournments (apart from for lunch) members of the public should remain in the hearing room.
The hearing will stop for lunch at a convenient point decided by the Chair and will last for approximately one hour. The Chair will announce a return time to recommence proceedings. As per the start, entry will not be permitted once the hearing is back in session if you are late.
The PAT will normally conclude around 5pm.
Conduct within the PAT
Members of the public are requested to remain silent at all times whilst the hearing is in session. If there is any intervening or interrupting of the hearing, or if anyone behaves in a disorderly or abusive manner, or acts inappropriate in the view of the Chair, they will be asked to leave and will not be allowed access to the remainder of the hearing.
Mobile phones and cameras
Mobile phones and other devices can be retained during the hearing but must be switched off. The taking of pictures is forbidden within the hearing room and should not be taken of any persons entering or leaving the tribunal.
The venue
Police Headquarters, Sandy Lane, Guildford, Surrey GU3 1HG Or via TEAMs.
All visitors must report to reception on arrival at the building and sign in. You will be provided with a visitor pass which must be worn until you leave the hearing and pass back through reception. At the end of the day you must return the visitor badge back to reception.
The regulations state that the Chair may also impose further conditions of entry in addition to those set out in this document. If this arises the further conditions will be published on the website prior to the hearing.
Photographic ID
All members of the public will be required to produce photographic ID to the OPCC prior to admission to the hearing.
Disabled access
The building and office is wheelchair accessible and accessible toilets are available. We will do our utmost to facilitate access and support for people with specific accessibility requirements. If you have any specific requirements, please advise the OPCC team at the earliest opportunity to discuss any necessary arrangements.
Parking and travel
Parking is available at Police HQ.
Travel and attendance will be in your own time and at your own expense.
Members of the public will be required to make their own arrangements for lunch and refreshments.
There are toilet facilities available in the building, you will need to ask an OPCC staff member to allow you access back into the hearing.
With exception of guide or assistant dogs, pets or children (under age of 16) will not be permitted.
Conclusion of the PAT
At the conclusion of a hearing, the result will be published on our website for a minimum period of 28 days.
Details of upcoming hearings can be found here.
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