Measuring performance

Joint Audit Committee

Under governance arrangements for policing, Surrey Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner require a Joint Audit Committee to provide independent and effective assurance about the adequacy of financial management and reporting. The Committee helps to raise the profile of internal control, risk management and financial reporting issues within Surrey Police and provides a forum for discussion with internal and external auditors.

The Committee comprises six independent members. View the Committee’s Terms of Reference (open document text) or visit our Meetings and Agendas page to see the latest papers and minutes from the Committee.

The following meetins will be held in 2024:

  • 27 March 13:00 – 16:00
  • 25 June 10:00 – 13:00
  • 23 September 10:00 – 13:00
  • 10 December 10:00 – 13:00

Chair of the Joint Audit Committee: Patrick Molineux

Patrick has 35 years of International experience working in the insurance and information technology industries. He has led major transformation programmes, overseen corporate strategy, and worked across general management, sales and marketing, programme and project management.

He is currently Managing Director of a business he founded that sources and operates central services for the London Insurance Market. Patrick brings to the Joint Audit Committee experience of corporate governance in regulated, private sector industries and his background means he has a particular interest in risk management and technology.

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Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend

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