Police & Crime Plan

About Surrey and Surrey Police

Surrey is an area of varied geography, with a mix of busy towns and rural villages and a population of 1.2m residents.

Surrey Police allocate their officer and staff resources at a number of different levels. Its neighbourhood teams operate at a borough and district level, working locally with communities. These connect communities into more specialist policing services, such as response policing and investigative teams, which often work at a divisional level. Surrey-wide teams such as major crime investigation, firearms, roads policing and police dogs, work across the county and in many cases, in collaborated teams with Sussex Police.

Surrey Police has a workforce establishment of 2,105 warranted police officers and 1,978 police staff. Many of our police staff are in operational roles such as specialist investigators, Police Community Support Officers, crime analysts, forensics and contact centre staff taking 999 and 101 calls. With funding from the Government’s police uplift programme, Surrey Police is currently increasing its number of police officers and is working on improving representation of the workforce to reflect the diversity of Surrey’s communities.

Surrey Police
About Surrey Police
About Surrey Police

Latest News

Commissioner and Deputy step into Christmas with festive design by seven-year-old from Reigate

On left, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Ellie Vesey-Thompson, and on right, Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend. Both are standing in front of a Christmas tree and wearing red. They are holding up a Christmas card with a hand-drawn snowman picture on the front.

A seven-year-old boy from Reigate has won this year's Christmas card competition with a lovely snowman design.

Commissioner joins officers on burglary patrol in Surrey Heath as hundreds of homes are visited

Lisa Townsend has joined officers on patrol in Surrey Heath after an increase in burglaries in the borough.

Commissioner’s statement following the guilty verdicts in the Sara Sharif murder trial

logo of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey on deep blue background

Surrey's Police and Crime Commissioner has shared a statement after the father and stepmother of Sara Sharif were today found guilty of her murder.