As Police and Crime Commissioner, I recognise that vulnerability comes in many forms and my office will be unwavering in its commitment to ensure all of our communities are protected from harm and victimisation, both online and offline. This may be abuse against children, older people or minority groups, hate crime or harm to those who are vulnerable to exploitation.

To support victims vulnerable to harm:
Surrey Police will…
- Meet the requirements of the new Victims’ Code
- Ensure that victims of all crimes receive the highest possible quality of care through the Surrey Police Victim and Witness Care Unit
My office will…
- Ensure the voices of victims are both heard and acted upon, that they are central to my office’s approach to commissioning and shared formally with the wider criminal justice system
- Seek out additional sources of funding to support delivery of local victim services
Together we will…
- Use feedback from victims, though surveys and feedback sessions, to understand their experience and improve the police response and wider criminal justice process
- Build confidence in those that have previously suffered in silence to seek support
- Work in partnership to protect people from harm by ensuring representation on key statutory boards in Surrey, maintaining constructive relationships and sharing good practice and learning
To support victims vulnerable to harm:
Children and young people can be particularly vulnerable to being targeted by criminals and organised gangs. I have appointed a Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner who will take a lead on working with police and partners to support children and young people.
Surrey Police will…
- Be guided by the National Child Centred Policing Strategy to improve the quality of policing for children and young people by acknowledging their differences, recognising their vulnerabilities and meeting their needs
- Work with education partners to make schools safe spaces and help inform children and young people around exploitation, drugs and County Lines criminality
- Explore new approaches to tackling offenders who exploit our children
My office will…
- Work alongside children and young people at every opportunity and help with education on the dangers of drugs, child sexual exploitation, online grooming and County Lines criminality
- Advocate for more funding to tackle the threat and risks that face our children and young people. I will call for more immediate resources to increase our preventative work and safeguard children and young people
- Ensure Surrey has appropriate services in place to help young victims cope and recover from their experiences
Together we will…
- Work with partners to explore the impact of technology, supporting and developing preventative initiatives for communities, parents and the children and young people themselves
To reduce violence and knife crime:
Surrey Police will…
- Carry out operations aimed at reducing knife crime and educating communities about the dangers of carrying knives
My office will…
- Commission support services to intervene and reduce violence and knife crime such as the Child Criminal Exploitation Targeted Support service and the Early Help Project
Together we will…
- Work with and support the serious youth violence partnership. Poverty, school exclusions and having multiple disadvantages are some of the driving factors and we are committed to working with the partnership to find solutions to these big issues
To support people with mental health needs:
Surrey Police will…
- Engage and work with all relevant partners to ensure police resources are being used appropriately for children and adults experiencing a mental health crisis
- Use the Surrey High Intensity Partnership Programme and trauma-informed services to support those who need regular support
My office will…
• Take forward at a national level the issue of
mental health provision for those in crisis and monitor the impact of government reforms of the Mental Health Act
• Work with partners to maximise the use of government funding awarded by the Changing Futures programme to improve local services for people experiencing multiple disadvantage and evaluate the outcomes for those involved in the criminal justice system
Together we will…
- Continue to support a multi-agency approach to enable an appropriate response for people with a combination of mental health, substance misuse, domestic abuse and homelessness issues who are coming into regular contact with the criminal justice system
To reduce fraud and cybercrime and support victims:
Surrey Police will…
- Support the most vulnerable victims of fraud and cyber crime
My office will…
- Ensure that services are in place to protect vulnerable and older people, linking in with national and local partners
Together we will…
- Support cyber-crime prevention activity being included in day-to-day policing, local government and local business practices
- Work with partners to develop a common understanding among local partners of the threats, vulnerabilities and risks relating to fraud and cybercrime
To reduce reoffending:
Surrey Police will…
- Support the use of restorative justice in Surrey and ensure that victims are informed about and offered restorative justice services as laid out in the Victims’ Code
- Implement the national Integrated Offender Management Strategy aimed at cutting neighbourhood crime, including burglary and robbery
My office will…
- Continue to support restorative justice through the reducing reoffending fund which delivers a broad range of projects, many of which are aimed at offenders experiencing multiple disadvantage, with the intention of diverting them away from the revolving door of offending behaviour
- Continue to support the High Harm Perpetrator Unit through the commissioning of services which to date have included housing schemes and a substance misuse service
Together we will…
- Work with services that support children and young people to reduce reoffending
To tackle Modern Slavery:
Modern Slavery is the exploitation of people who have been forced, deceived or coerced into a life of labour and servitude. It is a crime hidden often from society where victims are subjected to abuse, inhumane and degrading treatment. Examples of enslavement include a person who is forced to work, is controlled by an employer, is bought or sold as ‘property’ or has restrictions placed on their movements. It happens across the UK, including in Surrey, in situations such as car washes, nail bars, servitude and sex workers. Some, but not all, victims will also have been trafficked into the country.
Surrey Police will…
- Work with law enforcement agencies, local authorities, non-governmental organisations and charities to co-ordinate the local response to modern slavery through the Surrey Anti-Slavery Partnership, particularly looking at ways to raise awareness and protect victims
My office will…
- Support victims through our work with Justice and Care and the newly appointed Barnardo’s Independent Child Trafficking Guardians
Together we will…
- Work with the National Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Network