Statement by Commissioner following national disorder

Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey Lisa Townsend and her Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Ellie Vesey-Thompson made the following statement:

“We are both appalled and saddened by the violent disorder we have seen across the country over recent days that has extended way beyond what is acceptable as a form of protest. 

“We want to thank police officers and staff across the United Kingdom who have worked hard to protect communities, often putting themselves in harm’s way and being subjected to violence. 

“Some residents have raised concerns over what this might mean for Surrey over the coming days and weeks, including this evening, with further protests expected around the country.  We are in continued conversation with the Chief Constable and senior officers across the force as national unrest continues. 

“Whilst there is no planned protest activity in Surrey, this evening or otherwise, we want to reassure residents that Surrey Police is prepared should any such disorder arise, and that officers continue to work hard to protect and support our communities. We, alongside the Chief Constable, are clear that anyone who commits such behaviour in our county should feel the full force of the law.

“We are also in regular contact with community and faith leaders across Surrey to provide our reassurance and support, and want to thank them for their assistance and co-operation.”