Measuring performance

Surrey Police finances

Your Commissioner is responsible for setting the budget for Surrey Police and overseeing how it is spent.

As well as receiving funding from Government grants, the Commissioner is also responsible for setting the amount of money you will pay for policing as part of your annual council tax bill.

Police funding and the financial arrangements for public bodies are by their nature complicated subjects and the Commissioner has a wide range of responsibilities in terms of how Surrey Police sets its budget, monitors spending, maximises value for money and reports financial performance.

Surrey Police budget

The Commissioner sets the annual budget for Surrey Police in discussions with the Force in February each year. The budget proposals, which take months of careful financial planning and deliberation to prepare, are scrutinised by the Police and Crime Panel before a final decision is made.

The budget for Surrey Police for 2024/25 is £309.7m.

Medium Term Financial Plan

The Medium Term Financial Plan (PDF)  sets out the potential financial challenges Surrey Police may face over the next three years.

Please note that this document is provided as an open word file for accessibility so will download directly to your device.

Financial statements for 2023/24

Use the below links to view the financial accounts for the financial year 2023/24:

Financial statements for 2022/23

The below documents are provided as open word files for accessibility, where possible. Please note that these files may download directly to your device when clicked:

Financial statements and letters for year ending 31 March 2022

The Statement of Accounts sets out in detail the financial position of Surrey Police and its financial performance over the past year. They are prepared in line with strict guidelines on financial reporting, and are published annually.

An audit is carried out each year to make sure that Surrey Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner are making good use of public money and that they have the right Governance arrangements in place to ensure that this happens.

The statutory audit of the statement of accounts was completed on the 3rd November 2023 and the audit findings report was issued shortly afterwards. Following completion of the value for money review the council’s external auditors issued their concluding audit report on the 15th May 2024:

Financial regulations

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has financial management policies in place to ensure that public money is used lawfully and in the public interest.

Financial regulations provide the framework for managing the financial affairs of Surrey Police. They apply to the Commissioner and anyone acting on their behalf.

The regulations identify the financial responsibilities of the Commissioner. Chief Constable, Treasurer, Director of Finance & Services and budget holders and provide clarity about their financial accountabilities.

Read the OPCC Financial Regulations (PDF) here.

Spending information

We ensure we are getting value for money from all of our spending through our Contracts Standing Orders, which set out the conditions which have to be applied to all spending decisions made by the OPCC and Surrey Police.

Details of all items of expenditure by Surrey Police and the OPCC exceeding £500 are available by clicking here

See more information about Surrey Police fees and charges for the supply of goods and services (will download as an open text file).

Contracts and Tenders

Surrey and Sussex Police collaborate on procurement. You can find out more about Surrey Police’s contracts and tenders via our joint Bluelight Procurement Portal

Investment Strategy:  Treasury Management Reports

Treasury Management is defined as the management of an organisation’s investments and cash flows, its banking, money market and capital market transactions.

Click the links below to view each document or see a list of the assets owned by your Commissioner.

Please note these documents are provided as open word files for accessibility so may download directly to your device:

OPCC budget

The Office of the PCC has a separate budget to Surrey Police. The majority of this budget is used to commission key services in addition to those provided by Surrey Police, in support of the Police and Crime Plan. This includes funding for specialist support for victims of crime, for community safety projects and for reducing re-offending initiatives.

The budget for the Office for 2024/25 has been set at £3.2m including Government grants and OPCC reserve. This is split between an operational budget of £1.66m and a commissioned services budget of £1.80m.

See more information about the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Budget for 2024/25 here.

Allowance schemes

The following allowance schemes relate to the activities of groups or individuals managed by the Office of the PCC.

Please note that the below files are provided as open document text for accessibility. This means that they may download automatically to your device:

Fees and charges