Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Ellie Vesey-Thompson

Ellie Vesey-Thompson

Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey

Ellie Vesey-Thompson is the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey. She supports the Commissioner to fulfil her daily duties including attending meetings, informing decisions and working with the office and Surrey Police to achieve progress against the priorities in the Police and Crime Plan.

If the Commissioner becomes unavailable to fulfil her duties, these will be carried out by the Deputy Commissioner.

Ellie is also responsible for leading the Commissioner’s focus on the safety of children and young people in Surrey and preventing and responding to rural crime.

She shares the Commissioner’s passion to reduce violence against women and girls. She adds valuable knowledge to the office from within public relations and law.

The Deputy Commissioner has signed the Commissioner’s Code of Conduct.

The Deputy Commissioner receives an annual salary of £58,640. View Ellie’s disclosable interests and expenses for 2024/25 (excel spreadsheet may download directly to device).