Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend stands outside office in front of sign with office logo

Lisa Townsend

Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey

Following bachelor and masters degrees in law, Lisa started her working life as a researcher in the House of Commons and has since held a number of senior positions in public affairs and communications including as a director of a communications company, and Lead for Media and Communications at The Institute of Directors

Lisa is a Runnymede resident and has lived in Surrey for 14 years with her husband and their two cats. She enjoys reading both fiction and non-fiction (especially crime novels) and is a Spurs fan.

Lisa’s priorities for Surrey are outlined in the Police and Crime Plan, which is based on the views of Surrey residents and key stakeholders as well as the issues that Lisa is passionate about, including reducing violence against women and girls.

During her time in Parliament, Lisa worked closely with mental health charities and MPs committed to making a difference for those living with and experiencing poor mental health, and is passionate about working with partners in the criminal justice system to ensure mental health is properly understood.

Lisa is supported in her role by Interim Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Ellie Vesey-Thompson. Ellie is responsible for leading the Commissioner’s focus on the safety of children and young people in Surrey and on rural crime.