“We’re acting on your concerns,” newly re-elected Commissioner says as she joins officers for crime crackdown in Redhill

SURREY’S newly re-elected Police and Crime Commissioner joined police amid a crackdown on criminals in Redhill – and told residents: “We are acting on your concerns.”

Lisa Townsend, who received 95,538 votes from the Surrey public in last week’s elections, has vowed to continue supporting “back to basics” policing in Surrey.

Yesterday, the Commissioner joined Reigate and Banstead police officers for a targeted operation to tackle shoplifting in Redhill. It came less than 24 hours after officers from both Surrey Police and British Transport Police targeted drug dealers at Redhill Railway Station.

The campaign is part of Clear, Hold, Build, a new initiative that targets criminals, ‘clearing’ them from crime hotspots. Police then ‘hold’ these areas to ensure offenders aren’t able to return. 

Lisa has contributed almost £60,000 from her Community Safety Fund to support Clear, Hold, Build in Redhill. 

As part of the programme’s ‘build’ phase, a further £265,000 in Home Office Safer Streets funding secured by Lisa, Reigate and Banstead Council and Surrey Police, will be used for town centre improvements, youth outreach and anti-social behaviour training. 

The Force has committed to a renewed focus on issues that matter most to residents, including anti-social behaviour, shoplifting and targeting persistent offenders. 

The Commissioner said: “Over the past three years, I have listened to the views of thousands of residents in Surrey on the policing service they receive. 

“I know the public want officers doing the job only they can – investigating and solving crime and taking offenders off our streets. 

“That’s why initiatives like Clear, Hold, Build are so important. 

“Both the Chief Constable and I are committed to tackling all criminal activity in our county.

“Using community-led intelligence, officers are making this town a hostile place for criminals and trouble-makers.

“Operations like these clear offenders from often-targeted locations, and an increased police presence deters these criminals from returning. 

“Working alongside our partners at Reigate and Banstead Council, we can then focus on crime prevention to ensure the community feels safe. 

“The ‘build’ phase of the programme is funded in part by the Home Office’s Safer Streets Fund, which was achieved thanks to close partnership working with both the local authority and the Force. 

“Shoplifting, anti-social behaviour, vandalism and drug dealing have a real impact on Surrey residents, and we are determined to bring down offenders and support those who have suffered harm. 

“I have heard what Redhill residents want, and we are acting on their concerns.” 

  Surrey Police will issue an update on Clear, Hold, Build next week.

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