Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend has responded after receiving letters from Surrey residents aged just five and six years old.
Ethan from Guildford, who is five years old, wants to be a police officer when he is older – but felt that he needed to ask an important question before applying. In a letter to the Commissioner, he enquired: “Why do the police not wear shorts?”
In a separate letter, Grace, who lives near Leith Hill, sent a picture she had drawn of a police officer. Grace’s Grandparents say she will make an excellent police officer for her village.

Ethan was concerned that police officers don’t wear shorts.

Grace’s grandparents said she would make an excellent police officer.
Replying to Ethan, the Commissioner said:
I am so pleased to read that you would like to be a police officer when you are older – it is a very important job and we are always looking for smart new recruits.
You asked a question about why police officers don’t wear shorts. It is because they often have to kneel down to help someone, or even run after a criminal through a field where they may be stung by nettles and other spiky plants so they need to keep their legs covered.
Surrey Police wear trousers that have lots of pockets where they can put their gloves, or a torch and their phones, which need to be easy to get in a hurry.
Making sure that all police officers wear the same uniform is also important as it makes them look smart and so that you can recognise them if you need help.
Our office has received over 800 letters, emails and telephone calls from members of the public since the start of this year.
Representing your voice is a key part of the Commissioner’s role in Surrey, that includes strengthening the relationships between residents and Surrey Police and independently reviewing the response to complaints about policing.
Contact the Commissioner using our Contact us page.